Mo Dataviz

Analytics tool to explore over 70K articles of this Flemish newspaper's archive

This web app turns MO's wide archive of articles in a research and documentation tool aimed at researchers, journalists and students. The 75325 articles are catogorized by time, themes, countries and authors.

With the help of dutch firm DataGain we performed a textual analysis on the database, enriching each article with two additional dimensions: the level of objectivity/subjectivity and the tone (positive/negative). The database is explorable through a map view and a timeline view; each one shows aggregated data by engagement or number of articles of the selected time or geographical unit. The right panel allows to filter the current view by time, themes, countries and authors. When a time or geographical unit is selected the the corresponding list of articles is shown with a preview of text and images, along with the link to the its full form on MO's website.

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Mondiaal Nieuws Archive


UX/UI, Dataviz, Back-end, Front-end

When and where

2017, Brussels


ShiftN, Federica Fragapane

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